Now, not to long ago, Mattel released information regarding the line up for DC Universe Classics wave 12 set. Well, now there are photo's have been released and Action Toy Review is ready to give you a preview. If you're looking to pre-order this set which is due to release sometime in early 2010 (around March), check out the "Entertainment Earth" link on the top left corner. Now on to the preview:
In no particular order we will go ladies first and start with Mary Batson. A variant with a white costume is also said to be part of the set:
Next we have Spectre. There will be a variant of this action figure but no photos are available yet.
The next figure is Metal Man. He will have removable hands similar to Cyborg in wave 4.
The next figure is Copperhead.

Next is Dr Mid-Nite:
And finally we have Desaad who i believe will also have a variant, however no photo is available at this time (correction: no variant of Desaad in this wave)
Last but not least the "Collect and Connect" action figure for wave 12 will be a new and improved and bigger version of Darkseid. (Back in 2006 there were 2 versions of Darkseid released in the DC Superheroes toy line by Mattel)
So there you have it. A quick and dirty preview of the DCUC wave 12 which probably wont be out until March 2010. As mentioned, you can Pre-Order your set now at Just click on the link on the very top left of the page. I've also added a poll on the left side bar menu. Tell Action Toy Review what you think of this latest DCUC set of action figures.
I've also compiled some links to their best deals - click here
Thanks for checking out Action Toy Review featuring Mattel's DC Universe Classics Action Figures. Be sure to check back for more news, previews, information and action figure reviews soon.