The stuffed toy family has heard of the Prince Bear and Pauper Bear by Emily Lim a few years back, but it was only recently when we finally flipped through the book in a local book store. Neal Sharp's amazing illustrations will definitely touch the child in all of us who used to (or still does) wonder how our toys will behave if they were sentient. :) Read about the author's story here.
Prince Bear & Pauper Bear
Available at Kinokuniya

Pauper Bear, a teddy bear without a mouth, longs to be loved. Prince Bear is a proud bear who loves himself. When their paths take different turns, the two bears discover that things do not happen as they expect. In the process, the two teddy bears come to experience love and friendship with new perspectives.
The Tale of Rusty Horse

Rusty Horse, an old forgotten rocking horse, longs to be a favourite with everyone. When his wish is met by an old fairy, it sets him on a journey where he discovers that it is within his own power to obtain what truly matters to him.
Just Teddy

Just Teddy, a lonely teddy bear, tries hard to fit in with polar bears, pandas & penguins in a toy factory with funny-sad results. His quest leads him to a surprising discovery about himself.
Bunny Finds the Right Stuff
Bunny, a floppy rabbit with flat feet, thinks he is missing out when he notices that the other toys are better stuffed than he is. He searches for the right stuffing to fill himself up and makes a mess along the way. Grizzly, Dinosaur and Kangaroo wonder if they can help their friend find the stuff he is looking for.