Make a yummy cupcake in your favorite flavor. Decorate it any way you wish, add frosting, sprinkles or fruit. Share a cupcake with a friend or family member.
Celebrate your LOVE of cupcakes.
Celebrate your LOVE of cupcakes.
A PDF version with instructions and pattern is also available for download.
Download Cupcake Pattern and Tutorial
I'd love to see photos of your delicious creations! Post them at the flickr group I created.
Please do not sell the cupcakes. They are to be made for your enjoyment and given away as gifts to family or friends. Please ask me if you can use my photos or tutorial before you post them anywhere else online.
Materials Required
Craft felt
Craft glue
Polyfill stuffing
Embroidery floss

Cut out felt from pattern pieces in your favorite flavor and cup color.
1. Sew up cake side with a backstitch.
2. Gather cake base with a gathering stitch.
3. Stuff cake full with polyfill and pull opening closed with gathering stitch. Secure thread with knot.
4. Sew baking cup side. Pin cup base to side and sew together.
5. Glue eyes on and embroider mouth with embroidery floss.
6. Decorate cupcake to your liking. Add sprinkles, frosting, or strawberries. Add trim or ribbon around cup. Have fun!