Going to Paris in the Fall!
I'd love to hear your suggestions for things to do or even some tips for keeping occupied on long flights. I constructed this vintage paper Eiffel Tower to keep my focus on the prize this Fall. This paper toy is available for free and can be downloaded here.
DC Universe Classics Wave 17 carded
Action Toy Review brings you the latest news, previews and reviews on Mattel's DC Universe Classics action figures so be sure to check back for more info.
Fawns are back in stock!
Fabric magnets now available!
Amy Powers Latest Happy Birthday Issue

SHOWS!!!! and stuff

Greetings Ladys and Gentlemen! Now for some more stuff - YAY!
As I've had in the side bar for ages now, but was far to slow at adding to the main text body of this little blog, I have my very first SOLO show opening very soon - here in Seattle! The show will be up at the most excellent CAKESPY SHOP in Seattle's Capitol Hill Neighborhood - opening reception (where I will be in attendance of course!) on May 12th from 5-8 PM durring the Cap Hill Artwalk. Be there or be square! Well, actually, the show will be up for about a whole month, so you won't be too square if you get in there sometime in that month ;-)
You can announce your attendance (RSVP not required though!) on the Facebook Event thingy HERE
And here's a bit of 'promo' info:
'Monsters, Cupcakes and Monster Cupcakes' will showcase paintings and toys from Seattle based character designer Jon Malmstedt - RAMPAGE TOYS! Jon's work focuses on fun and colorful creatures that just so happen to be monsters. Expect scenes of urban destruction a' la the classic films 'Godzilla' and 'Mothra', but with a bent in the direction of silly - instead of Godzilla think 'giant cupcake that has no arms.' The show will include paintings, custom vinyl toys, handcast resin figures and a couple collaborative pieces done with the Cakespy herself - something for anyone who loves monsters, cupcakes, monster cupcakes or all of the above! Oh, and need we mention that actual, real, edible and delicious CUPCAKES will be in attendance? YUMMY!!!'
Also, this coming weekend, on May 7th, I'll have a booth at the ever fun "Crafty Wonderland Springtime Shindig," and would love to see some of you guys there! I'll have toys, prints, jewelery, and other various and fun items for your purchasing pleasure ;-) Stop and by - if you mention the blog I'll give you a little discount! If you happen to be in the Portland area, you really should also be at GRASS HUT on May 5th for the show they have opening - it's sure to be AMAZING.
So, of course there need to be some pictures of toys up in here! Here are some recent favorites that went over well in the good old RAMPAGE BigCartel Shop. First are the ACE Luchadors, which have just today been 're-activated' on a 'choose your own color' basis! I've made 10 more available, so head on over and order up you favorite color if you missed these guys the first time around!
I recently joined the "October Toys' forum, and am happy to find that those guys were quite interested in my little Cupcake Propaganda Glyos heads! They're all gone at the moment, but I'll get some more up soon!
And last, but certainly not least, a little painting. This little guy is a 3x5 ink, acrylic and watercolor piece on archival paper - the 'Ugly Unicorn' is one of my newer little guys, but expect to see A LOT more of this guy in the not so distant future :-) He's fuzzy, ugly and he CRAVES cupcakes (think 'giant booska' that needs cupcakes rather than ramen noodles!).
Thanks for stopping by - I hope some of you can make it out to Crafty Wonderland and/or the BIG EVENT at the CAKESPY SHOP on the 12th!
Election Fever
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The toys have been keenly following developments of the Singapore General Elections online. One incumbent MP even visited their house to garner support. However, the loud and incessant blasting of campaign slogans in the neighbourhood every morning have made them pretty disinclined to entertain the politician. |

DC Universe Classics - Jonah Hex
Craftstravaganza 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Free Admission
MN State Fairgrounds Fine Arts Building
Over 70 Amazing Artists
Free Workshops throughout the day
Free Swag Bags for the first 100 shoppers
Day 211: Steve Wozniak

Stephen Gary "Woz" Wozniak is an American computer engineer who co-founded Apple Computer, Inc. (now Apple Inc.) with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne. His inventions and machines are credited with contributing significantly to the personal computer revolution of the 1970s. Wozniak created the Apple I and Apple II computers in the mid-1970s.
He is sometimes known as the "Other Steve" of Apple Computer, the better known Steve being co-founder Steve Jobs.
Download the PDF file here and make your own Steve Wozniak!
In case you missed our Steve Jobs paper toy (Day 20), here it is again!
Tell us what toys you like to see next by visiting our Facebook Fan page.
DC Universe Classics - Shark
Told ya. Its actually a very good likeness which is what you would expect because Mattel and the Four Horsemen have been doing an awesome job with this toy line. Basically, what we've been given is an action figure of standard DCUC body parts, similar to that of say, Hal Jordan or Flash, and the Horsemen have added fins to his calves, forearms (similar to Aquaman) and one giant shark fin on his back.