Happy November!
Now, if you're like me, you're not entirely psyched for the coming of Winter and the type of weather that keeps you cooped up inside... But, luckily, this year is a bit different! RAMPAGE TOYS will be in attendance at MANY artsy and crafty events, and you all should too! Come one come all to the following displays of AWESOME:
Justin Hillgrove,
Imps and Monsters, and I will be showing off a whole ton of new Art, and even more TOYS! There will be blank resin, painted resin, canvases, glicee prints, sceen prints and all sorts of other great stuff on display and for sale ;-) Justin and I will be in attendance, as well as plenty of liquid awesome (yep - beer). Other artists contributing include the very talented Kerstin Graudins (Seattle local Screenprinting MASTER) and "Small Stuff Pepe" - all the way from Switzerland! Here's a glimpse of things to come:

Happy Cupcake Buddhas! Part of my upcoming Kapuke-ki Propaganda Resin Series!
A fine selection of custom Vinyl Toys :-)
Kapuke-ki Luchador Resin Figures! Bootleged MUSCLE toy from the 80's!

Mysterious - and Fantastic Customs (this is a work i progress shot of my 10 inch Teddy Trooper for the show);-)
2)Winter edition of the Indie Banditas Bazaar! - November 26th (noon-6) and 27th (10am-5pm)(yep - black friday and the following Saturday) at te Grange Hall on Bainbridge Island, Washington! This should be a fund event - lots of cool local artist should be in attendance - selling loads of fun things! Get your holiday shopping on! I'll have bundles of resin, jewelery, prints, paintings - all that good stuff :-)
3)More infoto follow, but the following 2 Events ARE GOING TO BE HUGE!!!!!!WINTER URBAN CRAFT UPRISING! I'll be there December 4th and 5th with BUNDLES of stuff - come on out early and get a schwag bag! Seattle's most ginormous and amazing display of handmade awesome!

WINTER CRAFTY WONDERLAND!!!! I'll be there December 11th and 12th, again, with BUNDLES of stuff!!! Portlands most ginormous and amazing display of handmade awesome!

Don't miss out on all the fun! Come check out all of these great events in the PNW!!!!!!!!!!