Finally, here for your reading pleasure: The storied pasts of Jelly-O and Punkin Pie!
Punkin Pie: After a long stint as a juvenile pumpkin on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Punkin Pie finally grew up and joined the ranks of pie-dom! Having achieved the ranking of black belt in his karate class, and master gardener at the lovely
Longwood Gardens, Punkin Pie hit the road in serach of new adventureS. He now travels the world making friends in youth hostels and inns, and teaching them the way of the Punkin. Turns out we all have much to learn...
Jelly-O: Jelly-O is the most savage of all the RAMPAGE characters! His sharp teeth and 132.77 psi jaw clamping capacity make him a toe biting terror, so you'd better watch out! Jelly-O wants nothing more than to play the
ukulele, and therefore lives a life of frustration - he has no arms!!! He takes out his angst on unsuspecting children, who run away in fear once they realize that the Jello-snack they though they just found was in fact a ravenous monster with sharp pointy teeth and NO MERCY! BE AFRAID!
NEWS FLASH: RAMPAGE TOYS are now for sale in the Rampage Toys ETSY page! Just search 'rampagetoys' on www.etsy .com or go to soon on the RAMPAGE BLOG! MUCH MORE!!!