All tucked and ready to go in Michi's little bag. :) It's Heartless's first road trip.

So many toll booths on the way to Malacca from Singapore.. Zzz... Unfortunately, everyone was so tired by the time we reached Malacca that we forgot to take some photos for Heartless..

After resting for the night in Malacca, we made our way to Penang. Heartless has lost much of his natural bear tracking abilities since he's been domesticated and was quite unable to figure out where he was. Thank goodness for the GPS.

Nearing destination.. Palms and coconuts! Heartless loved the tropical greenery and landforms visible along the highway.

Finally, the Penang bridge! But Heartless fell asleep several times while waiting to get across during the evening peak period...

By the time Heartless and gang reached Penang it was rather late. So he went for a couple of drinks at Gurney Drive.

And a few drinks later....

The following morning, Heartless went to visit the beaches and farms along the Northern and Western coast of Penang.



Heartless, a true blue city kid felt in awe of the variety of tropical fruits available on the small penang island.


Up Penang Hill, with his snug scarf on.

Stones taught me to fly/Love taught me to lie/Life taught me to die/So it's not hard to fall/When you float like a cannon

Way back to the mainland

Basking under the Malaysian sun

Jam on way back towards the Tuas 2nd Link, Singapore