Corn by Anna Chambers (don't think it's for sale)

Cutesypoo Egg Tarts with hot dog buns ;D Can be bought here

Sleepy Little Miss Eggtart & Happy Little Miss Eggtart!

Franken Foods by I Heart Guts, genetically modified food? Don't think its for sale.

Kate Sutton's high fibre Pirate Vegetables has loads of attitude and tenacity. Pirate Peas and Carrots ;D

Snaggs Cereal boxes

Brocoree by Nick The Ring

Sad breakfast from Miskellaneous
Many of these food toy designers particpated in the 'Stuffed - a Plush Food Show' in 2007. Some photos from the really cool exhibition..


Pictures from http://www.my space.com/stuffedplush

For all carnivores.. ;) Sweat Meats

We love Mr Toast and his friend Shaky the Bacon :D.
The World of Mr Toast

Tricia Chan's Esty Store!