Mattel DC Superheroes toy line from 2006-2007 was filled with a good variety of Batman and Superman characters and today's review will be another popular Batman villain, Harvey Dent aka
Two Face.

This figure was released in late 2007. Two Face was part of the DCSH series 7 set which also included
Camouflage Bane, Knight Shadow Batman & C.Cain Batgirl. This entire set seemed to only have a limited release in certain areas so they were very hard to find. Mattel had previously given us a Bane, Batman and Batgirl (B.Gordon) in prior waves, but Two Face was a totally new character and a lot of collectors wanted to get their hands on him.
The character may be new but the body sculpt is almost a complete re-use which really is nothing new. The previously released Clark Kent action figure which was only available via the Superman/Clark Kent 2 pack supported the same sculpt. Its a less muscular sculpt than Supes or Bats but slightly taller standing at 6.5 inches tall. If you think about it, this sculpt must have been originally made for Two Face. The tie is a dead give away as it has a sculpted line split down the middle on both Kent and Dent.
One of the only differences in the body sculpt is Harvey's scarred right hand which supports similar detail as Harvey's scarred face. The head sculpt pretty good. The scaring is well done with the exception of the neck area which is just a paint wash of the same maroon type color on his face. The hair is long, wild and spiky. The normal half of his head is fairly plain with well groomed hair and fairly good looks.

The head is also painted very well with darker shading in the deeper parts of his scarring. His teeth and eyes (one red and one blue) are painted very clean. The crazy gray hair is highlighted with what appears to be white dry brushing. The brown part of his hair is fairly basic. The jacket and pants are a white/grey shade on one side and on the other is a pin stripe jacket with black pants. The pin stripes are painted on straight and clean. There is a noticeable smudge of the maroon paint on the white collar of his jacket and a couple of small marks on his shoulder. There is also some paint going over the lines down the middle of his tie and around the shirt collar.

Two Face's lone accessory is a fairly decent looking machine gun which fits well enough into either hand but what is noticeablely missing his infamous coin. I can understand that a coin would be just too small of an accessory but at the very least I think it should have somehow been sculpted in on to the figure.

You will not be disappointed with Two Face's articulation. He has most of the standard Mattel joints. Neck, shoulders, biceps, elbows, wrists, waist, hips, thighs, knees, ankles. The neck joint has only side to side movement and the hip joints have limited forwards and backwards movement due to his long jacket.

Overall, Two Face is a decent toy with a great looking head sculpt. Upon close inspection ,the paint job does have some sloppy areas on the body. But despite its minor flaws, Two Face is still a welcome addition to my collection.

Sculpt/Design - 7, Paint - 6, Accessories - 7, Articulation - 8, Fun - 8
Overall Score - 7/10
If you're interested in purchasing this action figure, eBay is probably the only place you can find Two Face right now and he can still be pricey. Ive seen Mattel's Two Face go from $25 to $50 in an auction. Its a good figure but I wouldn't break the bank for it. As with any eBay auction, shop smart and set your limits. There are a few other Two Face figures on the market but if scale and articulation are issues for you, you may want to stick with Mattel's version.
To find Mattel's DC Superheroes Two Face on ebay, click here
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Action Toy Review. My next review will be one of the action figures from the brand new Walmart exclusive
DC Universe Classics wave 5 set. Be sure to check back.
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